Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center

Check these guys out for up to date
avalanche advisories for the
Talkeetna Mountains.
avalanche advisories for the
Talkeetna Mountains.
Marmot Ridge in Hatcher Pass - Friends of CNFAIC Weather Station

Check out recent temps, wind speed and directions coming from marmot ridge and Independence mine.
Live web cam looking down valley from the A-frame lodge!

Check this out before you head up to the Pass, not uncommon to find bluebird up here when the valley is junk!
Turnagain area avalance advisory

You can also access updates and web cams for the summit lake area, Arctic Valley, Seattle ride, sunburst ridge and Fresno ridge.

Check out our buddies at Hatchyourtrax.com for some killer updates, pictures and all around stoke on our local Talkeetna's!